Wednesday, January 21, 2009


1. Explain what “to give an argument” means in this book.

According to the book by Weston’s, “to give an argument”, it means, “to offer a set of reasons or evidence in support of a conclusion.” He goes on to explain how arguing is making a point with actual evidential claims to back the point up. The author also goes on to say how we need arguments and they are a necessity.

2. What are the reasons Weston gives in support of his claim, “arguments are essential”?

Essentially Weston says that arguing is essential because, without it we would not be able to find out which views are best. He says, “Arguments are in this sense a means of inquiry.” This is a pretty cool way to put it, for some reason I understood his point of view better when I read this. Arguing is a good way to defend what ever view we have come to a conclusion upon. Weston shows that there are a lot of different use’s for arguing.

3. Explain why many students tend to “write an essay, but not an argument”.

Students tend to write an essay, but not an argument because they do not look at the topic of their paper hard enough. He explains how it is natural for a student to make this mistake of writing an essay, not an argument. They do not try to find out what they think for themselves instead of basic clear cut answers. Weston talks about how you should use arguments in two different ways, in inquiry and in defending a view.

4. Construct two short arguments (one "for" and one "against") as modeled in the Week 3 Assignment section in Blackboard. Put each one in "elements form".


Arguable issue: whether or not people should smoke in a bar.
Conclusion: People should not be able to smoke in a bar.
Premises: People should not be able to smoke in a bar because:

(1) People who do not smoke get affected by 2nd hand smoke.
(2) Smoking indoors concentrates the smoke inhalation, making it even worse then normal.

Arguable issue: whether or not people should smoke in a bar.
Conclusion: People should be able to smoke in a bar.
Premises: People should be able to smoke in a bar because:

(1) Why respect other people’s health.
(2) The more smoke you inhale the better you feel, so why not do it inside so it can’t escape.

5. Review the seven rules in chapter one. Briefly discuss how your argument demonstrates that each rule was applied, in the construction of your arguments above.

I feel that I am clearly expressing what I’m trying to prove in my argument, while naturally going in order to help making the argument clear. Starting with an issue regarding smoking health problems is a very reliable one because people are familiar with this topic. The conclusion and premise are very clear cut and to the point. I use very basic language in my argument outline. The arguable issue, conclusion, and premise are basically the same sentence with a few key words mixed around. I did stick to one meaning or each term for the outline.

6. Review the three rules in the appendix named, “Definitions”. In your own words, discuss how you took these rules into consideration as you constructed your arguments.

The first is talking about being specific with your argument, which I took into consideration when coming up with my own argument. I feel that smoking effects others health all the time, but more specifically while were in doors w/ non smokers. The second definition talks about when terms are being contested and what exactly you are arguing about. But I did not really use this definition because I did not really understand it. The last definition is perhaps my favorite of the three because it explained a lot to me. I re looked at my argument and decided that I was not clear enough in a few of my word choices. I actually looked at what I had said and thought of the different definitions of each of the words and realized they could be taken differently, so I changed the words.

7. Reasoning for grade:

I feel like I deserve 22 points for this week’s assignment. I feel this way because I did not understand a few of the definitions completely so I did not feel I was able to use them while coming up with my argument which might have made it weaker.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blog Assignment #2

1. Were the questions on the Moral Sense Test difficult to answer (psychologically, emotionally, conceptually, technically, etc.)? Why or why not? Do you think your responses to the Moral Sense Test questions were consistent? Does this matter?

I felt that the questions that were on the Moral test were not really too hard to answer. I felt that there was a few that actually made you think about the situation as if you were really in it, but I feel that is what the test is supposed to do. While answering the morality test I did notice that after a few of the series of questions that all of my answers are the same. I kept hitting the same number for each question and then when the question would change I would see pattern’s in my answers. I think it does matter when answering these questions because it shows if you are consistent in your morals.

2. Should people always follow the law? Why or why not? When might one be justified in NOT following the law? Give examples.

No I do not think that people should always follow the law. There are some laws that are ridiculous and do not need to be followed 100% of the time. There are a lot of laws that were made so long ago that they really don’t even apply to our lives this day in age. If the speed limit is 35 mph and everyone on the road is going 50 mph you would get ran over if you went 35 mph. So in that case you had better go at least 40 mph, which would be breaking the law.

3. In your own words, explain what "social convention" means. Give examples.

I feel that a social convention might be a large gathering of people that all have something in common. There might be a common thread of cars, and people have come together to talk about and explore the world of cars in a social atmosphere. There might be a social convention that is based around a book. There is sure to be a lot of people that have read the same book, so I’m sure that people get together to read them allowed to each other and discuss what each chapter means to them.

4. Should people always follow the conventions of their society? Why or why not? Give examples.

Well the last question was answered in a totally different context than what was implied. This question helps me understand the third question better. I feel you do not need to follow the “conventions” of your society. If everyone followed each others ideas then we would all look alike and nothing new would happen. I think life would be quite boring if there was nobody to stand out and do different things.

5. Should people always follow their own principles? Why or why not? Give examples.

Yes I feel that if you have gone as far as to set principles for your self, then you are truly only hurting yourself if you choose to break them. Personal principles are meant to make your life run better. If you do not like it when people do something, and you allow it to happen in front of you, then you might as well never decided that you wouldn’t let that happen. You have to follow your own principles or you’re basically wasting your time.

6. Explain in your own words the difference between socially acceptable, legally acceptable, and morally acceptable.

Socially acceptable is something that is accepted by the masses. It might not be legal or moral but there will be a lot of people that agree with it. Legally acceptable goes along with the Laws. If there is a law written you can not break it, end of story. Morally acceptable is based on what you have set your morals to, and weather or not your can stick to them or not.

7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.

I feel that I deserve at least 23 ½ pts. I answered each question with a few examples, and I filled up a page and a half, which is more then last time!!! ;-)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blog assignment #1

1. How would you have explained the meaning of the term "ethics", before taking this class?

Before I took this class I was somewhat unsure of what was coming to me this semester. After the first class meeting I began to understand what we would be learning this semester. As of right now the word “ethics” is your personal beliefs on how to go about public or private situations.

2. What are some of your deepest held values?

I feel very strongly about being honest all the time. I feel that as long as you are honest with people then there should be nothing that goes miss understood. Things get confusing when people start bending the truth a bit.

3. What are some main principles you try to live your life by?

I live by the motto, “Treat others as you want to be treated.” I like this saying because it is very true. If people would realize that they were treating people in a way even they wouldn’t want to deal with, then maybe they can really see how they affect other people with out knowing it.

4. What moral qualities do you look for in others?

I try to find people that also base a big part of their morals on being truthful and people who do not feed you a lot of crap. These are two very important qualities for a person to me because with out these two things there is possibility for a lot of confusion.

5. How were your values and principles developed?

Both of my parents would tell me things to do or not to do when growing up, so I feel that they have a lot to do with the way I am today. I’m very thankful they spent the time to tell me the proper way to go about things. With out there guidance I probably would not be the person I am today.

6. How have your values and principles changed throughout your life so far?

When I was in grammar school I did not care to much about whom I was friends with. Now I have come to realize the types of people I prefer to be around and I tend to look for the type of person that is similar to my self and my morals.

7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.

I feel that I deserve 25/25 points because I answered all 6 questions truthfully and I did not take up many pages in doing so.