Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blog assignment #1

1. How would you have explained the meaning of the term "ethics", before taking this class?

Before I took this class I was somewhat unsure of what was coming to me this semester. After the first class meeting I began to understand what we would be learning this semester. As of right now the word “ethics” is your personal beliefs on how to go about public or private situations.

2. What are some of your deepest held values?

I feel very strongly about being honest all the time. I feel that as long as you are honest with people then there should be nothing that goes miss understood. Things get confusing when people start bending the truth a bit.

3. What are some main principles you try to live your life by?

I live by the motto, “Treat others as you want to be treated.” I like this saying because it is very true. If people would realize that they were treating people in a way even they wouldn’t want to deal with, then maybe they can really see how they affect other people with out knowing it.

4. What moral qualities do you look for in others?

I try to find people that also base a big part of their morals on being truthful and people who do not feed you a lot of crap. These are two very important qualities for a person to me because with out these two things there is possibility for a lot of confusion.

5. How were your values and principles developed?

Both of my parents would tell me things to do or not to do when growing up, so I feel that they have a lot to do with the way I am today. I’m very thankful they spent the time to tell me the proper way to go about things. With out there guidance I probably would not be the person I am today.

6. How have your values and principles changed throughout your life so far?

When I was in grammar school I did not care to much about whom I was friends with. Now I have come to realize the types of people I prefer to be around and I tend to look for the type of person that is similar to my self and my morals.

7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.

I feel that I deserve 25/25 points because I answered all 6 questions truthfully and I did not take up many pages in doing so.

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